

上星期五(5/13/05),在podcast鼻祖Adam Curry的podcast中,他提及美國National Journal的記者在電郵中提及美國唱片業聯會(RIAA)提出了"在podcast中播有版權音樂"的立場:

"We are always supportive of new and exciting ways for fans to discover and experience music. Podcasters, like the users of any sound recordings, must obtain the appropriate licenses from the copyright owners or their designees. Appropriate licensing is an important part of the legal system, setup to protect the musicians, songwriters and copyright owners. Podcasts are downloads, and are such, do not qualified for the statuary licenses that are available for the webcasters, simulcasters, satellite radio and other digital transmission services."


原網站: http://mp3.dailysourcecode.podshow.com/DSC-2005-05-13.mp3